Friday, July 29, 2011

Vietnamese Spring roll


                   Spring rolls is a vietnamese salad rolls with ingredients like  boiled pork, beef, shrimp, basil, mint etc. I first tasted this spring roll in one of my Vietnamese friend's house and I really liked the taste. So I thought to prepare it by myself and check how it turns out. Here goes the recipe.


1. Rice vermicelli/ rice noodles - 100g
2. Prawns/Shrimp - 8 to 10
3. Mint
4. Thai Basil
5. Lettuce
6. Rice wrappers
7. Fish sauce( I used Phu Quoc fish sauce) - 5 tsbp
8. Lime juice - 2 to 4 tbsp
9. Crushed  garlic
10. Crushed red chili.
11. Rice vinegar - 1 tbsp
12. Sugar - 1 tbsp
13. Warm water


               Spring roll is served along with a dipping sauce. So first lets see the recipe for dipping sauce. This sauce can be preserved in fridge also.

Dipping Sauce
             Take lightly warm water, then add sugar. Allow the sugar to dissolve, then add the 1 tsbp of vinegar, lime juice, crush garlic, red chilli(birds eye chilli) and the fish sauce. Whisk all the ingredients and allow it to cool down. Dipping sauce is ready.

Spring roll
              Lets make the spring roll now. Cut the lettuce into 2 or 3 pieces. Boil water and cook the rice vermicelli for 3-4 mnts or we can even boil the water and place the vermicelli in it for some minutes. Once it is cooked, drain and rinse with cold water. Cut the vermicelli into smaller lengths with a scissors. Cook the Prawns(boil), we can add little fish sauce while cooking it. Once it is cooked, cut the prawns into 2 pieces. Take warm water in a bowl, to soften the rice wrappers. Take one wrapper and dip it in the warm water for 1-2 seconds and lay it on a flat surface. Fold the top of the wrapper little till the center, then place a piece of Lettuce. On top of it spread little rice vermicelli, 2 mint leaves, 2 basil leaves, and 2 pieces prawns. Now roll them by folding the bottom of the wrapper over the filling in the center. Wrap the roll tightly. Spring roll is ready. Serve it with the dipping sauce.  It really tastes good.

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